Are you aware of Repeating Self Defeating Habits showing up in your Current Life and Inter-personal Relationships? Are they dragging you into the same Scenario
over and over?
Trauma, if left unresolved, creates detrimental emotional response patterns that can ruin any aspect of our life.
The longer it has control the more
Intensely it manifests.
In 1980 I discovered a
Powerful Spiritual Teacher and
Akashic Reader who answered my questions:
How did this happen? Why did he do this?
Why did I do that?
With the Canadian Music, Television and Film Industry setting the stage for my unfolding Dramas, I discovered my role in the creation of those Dramas in prior Lifetimes.
It started out as a Journal then morphed into a Spiritual Manual containing all my teachings and experiences. 50 years of metaphysical studies then split into 3 phases This book is the first phase.
The greatest gift to myself is the advancement of my psychic skills and abilities. The more we heal the more room there is to grow and evolve. I hope it inspires you to dig into your own life's dramas and discover
Who You Really Are!